Saturday 17 March 2012

Unit 5: Animation- Storyboards

I've managed to create my storyboard based on my 1st draft of the script. Apologies if it looks a bit confusing as I usually stick post-it shots in some places of what I think should come in before the shots.
Act 1- Scene 1
Act 2- Scene 2

Act 2- Scene 2 (cont.) and Act 3- Scene 3 together
Refined on Photoshop



  1. hahaha I love you story boards :) The sticky notes make it for me, pure, simple and to the point. But back to work, I love you idea but I would say, maybe take these into photoshop and brighten them up a little as some parts are dark and dull while others are light and sharp.

    Have a nice day now!

  2. I use post-its too, its not confusing at all :)
    I think the story works, but you may want to cut out any excess bits of drawing out of the scenery just to save yourself some time.
